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Depilação masculina PG answers some of the most frequently asked questions


Waxing hurts?

​It depends on the sensitivity of each person and as the therapist executes the process. But will always be a discomfort that you can handle. Different parts of your body have different levels of sensitivity. Usually, the most sensitive parts of the body are the chest, the neck and the base of the penis .... ah! ... and by the way get to know that waxing the testicles and anus does not hurt. Because this is what we men are afraid, right? What can be uncomfortable for one may be well tolerated by another and most of us end up saying, "Oh, after all it does not hurt as much as I thought" or "Do not hurt almost nothing" But of course, always depends on the area you are waxing.
A word of advice: do not try to do everything a first time. First try the back or buttocks and legs or arms.
But better yet ... lie down ... try to relax ... will see that quickly gets hairless and ready to go!


How can I reduce discomfort during waxing?

Reduce discomfort? Yes of course! The first time you do waxing is when it causes more discomfort, then becomes increasingly easier.
But there are some tips that you can follow easily: take a look for our area of pre and post hair removal.
Talk to your technician. He will listen to you, advise you and use the most appropriate methods to your body, so as to minimize any discomfort.
Above all try to come calm, relaxed and unhurried.
With us you will find friendliness, professionalism, plenty of time and technicians dedicated to you and they know what they do and that will give you full attention.


What complications can arise after waxing?

The most common problems after hair removal are:

REDNESS: the most common side effect. A certain level of redness or inflammation usually occurs immediately after waxing, especially in the most sensitive skin. Usually disappears after few hours. The redness comes not only because it pulls the hair but also because it pulls the skin.

BLOOD POINTS: let's face it ... we are plucking the hair, by the hair follicle! This procedure breaks with the capillaries that supply the follicle. If the hair is too strong or is the first time, is even more common bleed a little. But it is usually nothing alarming and are just points of blood that dry quickly.

PIMPLES: pimples may arise after waxing and can remain for a time ranging from 3 hours to 3 days. If you have sensitive skin may even stay longer. What to do? Do not panic during waxing! When panics your hair follicles contract and hair follicles contracted are more sensitive to damage. Try to stay calm and relaxed. This will help prevent any negative side effects such as rash.

INGROWN HAIRS: when the hair grows into the skin, it is said that is ingrown or in medical terms "pseudofolliculitis barbae". Shaving the hair with razor blade, waxing or block the pores with mineral oils or dirt are some of the causes of ingrown hairs.
What are the ways to treat ingrown hairs? Often an ingrown hair is confused with acne. The therapeutic treatment of ingrown hair is not really a necessity.

We leave some tips:
1. Exfoliation. In order to avoid ingrown hairs, do scrub before shaving the hair with a razor blade or before waxing. Exfoliate the skin with a scrub glove to help eliminate dead cells and dirt from the surface layer of the skin. This reduces the pore blocking risk and treats ingrown hairs. You can start by exfoliating three days after depilation and then continue regularly with the glove.
2. Apply after exfoliation a cream with anti-inflammatory in the area with ingrown hairs.
3. If an ingrown hair is infected, use a cream with antibiotics. It should be applied 2-3 times a day.


Anyone can do waxing?

Waxing can be performed by any person of any age, religion or ethnicity.
However, if you are taking medication for blood circulation should avoid making waxing. These drugs tend to increase the risk of rip and tear the skin. You must stop treatment at least 2-6 months before waxing (depending on the product).
People with diabetes, poor circulation and varicose veins should not do waxing.
If you have any skin disease you should not make any kind of waxing.
Always tell your technician of any treatment or illness that you may have, in order to avoid serious problems for you or your technician.


In which body parts can I wax?

You can wax or laser in any area of the body that has hair.


How long does waxing lasts?

Usually it is necessary to wax every 2 to 4 weeks (up to 6 weeks). The good part is that the more often if you wax, thinner grows the hair and the least amount is risen.


Which size the hair must have to do waxing?

For waxing to be effective, the hair has to be +/- 0.5 cm if it is thin and +/- 1cm if it is thick.
But dont trim ... we do it for you!

Is necessary to take something for a waxing session?

No. A professional has all the material and equipment necessary to achieve hair removal works with wax and relaxation massages.



In what consists a relaxing massage?

A full relaxation massage involves the application of relaxation massage techniques on the back, buttocks, hands, arms, neck, feet, legs and belly.
It lasts for about 1 hour.
According to your availability and your massage therapist you can extend this massage in more 30min.
If you prefer you can also choose to only massage the back and / or legs. In this case only lasts about 30 minutes.


Is there a method that permanently removes the hairs?

No, there is still no 100% effective method for permanently remove the hair.
The best method that accomplishes this task is electrolysis: This method destroys germ cells of hair by inserting a probe into the hair follicle and apply an electric current

But there are methods of permanent hair reduction that promote the reduction of its growth. This reduction can last from a few weeks to several months and over time can become permanent:
- Laser (laser light is directed to the hair and absorbed by pigments, resulting in the destruction of the hair follicle)
- Pulsed light


Other methods provide only temporary removal of hair at skin level (shaving) and last for only a few hours or days:
- Blade or cutting machine (most used methods to remove hair)
- Depilatory creams
- friction
These three methods are the only ones that do not involve pain or discomfort in the process.

The temporary removal of the hair at a deeper level (epilation) may last from several days to several weeks and can be achieved by the following methods:
- tweezer
- Wax (hot or cold)
- Sugar (wax-like but with sugar paste)
- thread (also called fatlah or khite Arabic or band in Persian)
- Turmeric paste (paste made with the plant Curcuma rhizome sling, also known as turmeric, which is used in India)
- epilation devices (remove the hair pulling it off the hair follicle)
- medicines
- Drugs.



And if you get an erection?

Well ... first we are all adults and if you sought our services is because you are looking for a professional service in hair removal and / or massage.
Second ... we are men and we realized the embarrassment, but you are not the only nor the first and certainly will not be the last to whom these reactions arise.
Moreover, it is not exactly sexual excitement that we are all thinking. It's a physical reaction that sometimes can not be avoided.
But if it does, what is the problem? We are not here to play with your "precious" but to remove the hair of them or massage your body and leave you relaxed.
At some point, you will only focus on what is felt through waxing or massage ... believe me!

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